A picture of Le Pena Chorus together.

Social and Economic Justice Music Festival

We are bringing together cultural workers and community organizers to build the Resistance to Trump with our Social and Economic Justice Music Festival on January 25 and 26 at Mission High School in San Francisco – placing music, art and culture at the center of an organizing strategy to help people and their communities heal themselves, build bridges and inspire each other to fight for justice.

The Social and Economic Justice Music Festival will feature all genres and music styles, as well as including other art forms besides music. Saturday will have three sessions of workshops on a range of topics and Sunday will have three sessions of song swaps and sharing performances. Both days end with an evening concert. It will take place at Mission High School, 3750 – 18th Street, between Dolores and Church Streets.

We also are convening in a Congress of the People to develop a People’s Platform to stay focused and grounded in our shared values and aspirations to reverse income inequality and to project a vision for substantive democracy, in which a government of, by and for the people would provide living wage jobs for all, truly affordable housing, universal health care and quality public education.

Join Us!

The Music Festival will take place over 2 days on January 25th and 26th.  You can buy a 1 day (you can choose which day to attend) or 2 day ticket. Note that workshops will be held on the 25th and song swaps will be held on the 26th. The specifics of each day can be viewed in the schedule here. Register for the festival or buy a ticket to the evening concert here.

Want a free ticket? We need volunteers! You can volunteer in lieu of paying. Choose that option on the registration page. If you’re a member of the Congress of People, your admission is already free. Confirm your attendance by registering here.

The Lineup!

Want to know who’s performing? Take a look at all the participating performers here. Want to know who’s performing at the concerts? See the lineup here!

Do you want to perform? Musicians and poets can offer to perform here! (Or sign up for the open mic on the day of.)


Participate in our workshops! We will be holding workshops on Saturday, January 25th. We have a range of workshops that cover a variety of topics including singing, spiritual healing, storytelling, etc. You can view the list of workshops and their details here.

Do you have a workshop you’d like to host and share at our event? You can propose your own workshop here.

Sponsor Us!

Like what we’re doing? We are inviting unions, community organizations, and individuals to become a sponsor here!