Hali Hammer

Hali Hammer is an award-winning singer-songwriter who performs with her partner Randy Berge and sings with Pat Wynne and Liliana Herrera in the trio The ReSisters. She sang with Freedom Song Network for decades and was a member of the chorus that sang onstage behind Nelson Mandela at the Oakland Coliseum. She is a founding member of Occupella and has been performing for many causes for decades. Hali is active in the San Francisco Folk Music Club (she is currently the Vice President) and was the coordinator of the 2003 Berkeley Free Folk Festival.
She worked with Country Joe McDonald on the Berkeley Protest Music Festival which was held at the Berkeley Unitarian Fellowship for several years. In her native New York she worked with Citizens to Save Minnewaska, which is now Minnewaska Lake State Park instead of a Marriott Hotel. She also worked on saving the Berkeley Post Office, which is still there. Currently she is writing and posting songs on YouTube. Visit her website at www.halihammer.com.