
2020, Documentary

Release Year: August 25, 2020
Country: Germany
Director: Oliver Stiller, Esperanza 43
Writer: Oliver Stiller
Producer: Oliver Stiller 

In October 2018, 7000 people from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador fled the rampant gang-crime and the precarious economic situation in their home countries. They joined together in a massive trek with one goal: to cross Mexico and enter the USA.

Exodus introduces the people of the first caravan of Central Americans who left everything behind but their faith in God to start a dangerous and thousands-of-kilometers-long journey into the unknown.

The lawyer and human-rights activist Dr. Edgardo Buscaglia offers insights to this event and examines the political structures of the states of Central America with regard to the exodus of the population.


About the Director

Oliver Stiller (41) studied International Management. After realizing short films such as “Vagabund”, he is currently writing a screenplay for the German-Mexican scenic movie “Das Leben hat noch Schulden”. The short documentary “Esperanza 43“ directed by Oliver Stiller about the abducted and probably murdered students of Ayotzinapa/ Mexico won the German Human Rights Movie Award in 2016 in the short movie category. “Exodus” is the new short documentary of Oliver Stiller.