
2021, Drama

Release Year: 2021
CountryUnited States
DirectorDomonick Jones
Cast: Armani McNulty (Devin), Myles Lassiter (Danny), Jose Rosete (Cop 1), Artie Shase (Cop 2)
Director of PhotographyAnthony Celenie and Dominick Jones
Writer: Dominick Jones
Producer: Dominick Jones

While two boys are walking home from a routine trip to the corner store they encounter hostile law enforcement in search of robbery suspects.



About the director

Domonick “Nick” Jones is a cinematographer, director, and founder of Nick Jones Productions based in Los Angeles, California. Domonick Jones hails from Kansas City Mo but resides in Los Angeles, where his film career began eight years ago. 

Domonick has produced his own television shows that has received critical acclaim and offers from several networks and streaming platforms. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University and has successfully been awarded multiple national festivals.