2020, Documentary
Release Year: May 17, 2020
Country: Morocco
Director: Ouahib Mortada
Writer: Ouahib Mortada
Producer: Thivolle Lo
Jerada, in East Morocco at the border with Algeria, each day passing by is a new birth. After the liquidation of coal mines, the course of coal hit hard the inhabitants of this working-class city. “Miners can only be minors” this rumor keeps its way. The children of the miners also became miners.
Between the prospect of hanging or their survival instinct, they armed themselves with picks, sledgehammers, chisels and worn-out ropes to keep digging. They have no other choice! At the bottom you can only dig!
About the director
After leaving for France in 1991, Ouahib Mortada quickly became involved in movements fighting for the rights of the underprivileged (the DAL Droit au logement in Paris and joined militant networks in Marseille). He practices journalism and hosts several programs on local radio stations and is involved in several amateur theatre companies. Read more