Ouahib Mortada
Director, writer.

Born in Morocco in the oriental region, Ouahib Mortada first obtained a technician’s diploma in civil and rural engineering (1987, Centre de Formation de Cadres Techniques, Oujda), which he completed with a DEUG in Human Sciences (1988, Université Mohammed 1er, Oujda). He began by working in the Moroccan civil service.
After leaving for France (1991), he quickly became involved in movements fighting for the rights of the underprivileged (the DAL Droit au logement in Paris, and joined militant networks in Marseille). He practices journalism and hosts several programs on local radio stations and is involved in several amateur theatre companies. He then turned to cinema, obtaining a degree in Cultural Mediation (2004, University of Provence, Marseille), became an active member of the associations Pachamama, Images et Paroles Engagées, then Film Flame and Numéro Zéro, before completing his training in image and sound techniques (2015, Institut de l’image IMCA-Provence, Avignon).