Culture Connects Us

2021, Documentary

Schedule and tickets

Release Year: 2021
Country: United States
Executive Producer: Gaylon Logan
Director: Aldane Walters, Jalila A. Bell Esq., Kaylah Marin, and Wanda Whitaker
Producer: Aldane Walters, Jalila A. Bell, Esq., Kaylah Marin, and Wanda Whitaker 

Through story, personal dialogue and creative pursuits, the Culture Connects Us documentary film dives into America’s melting pot, dissecting diverse cultures from a perspective that hopes to reveal false narratives and beliefs that, albeit in a technologically connected world, separate us.

“Village-Connect (VC) is committed to transformative change for individuals, groups, and families. We believe this type of change occurs on three levels: consciousness, behavior, and structure. Our programs, services, and initiatives are rooted in a belief that there exists a “higher self” that seeks to improve and expand one’s life circumstance within every person. Once this “higher self” has been awakened, being connected with an association of like-minded individuals and groups become optimal to sustaining growth and development.

From Executive Producers Village Connect, Inc., and Gaylon Logan, and the concept of the village and (CBTC™) Culture Based Transformative Coaching, a documentary film which examines where we are today and how far we must go to return to our core essence and find our humanity.


About the directors

Aldane Walters is an up and coming media mogul. He is an experienced television producer and digital content creator. Aldane produced and presented Feel Alright, a reggae and mental wellness radio program on KGPC 96.9 FM, a community station which broadcasts out of Oakland California.

Kaylah Marin

Kaylah is a creative powerhouse, media manager and also serves as tech support for KAJE CREATIVE.

Jalila A Bell Esq.

Jalila is a Managing Producer and Talent Coordinator for KAJE Creative, LLC. As a dancer, choreographer and writer, Jalila has used her artistry to raise awareness, awaken, teach and create.
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