black lens

2020, Documentary

Release Year: June 19, 2020
Country: United States
Director: Jordyn Jones
Writer: Jordyn Jones
Producer:  Afton Quast Saler, Niko Baur, Jordyn Jones
Original Music:  Scott Johnson, Chance Davis
Key Cast: Sydney Laws,  Chance Davis,  Mathew Markley,  Alice On, Collene Saffron,  Kaitlin Peters.

As two African American students work to navigate the pitfalls of higher education, they must each come to terms with what it means to see things through a black lens. Who is allowed to be seen, what is allowed to be seen, and for whom does representation matter?

About the director

Jordyn “Big Bear” Jones, as he is affectionately called by many, is a writer, director, and, at least in his free time, a standup comic. Growing up all across the United States, he ended up in sunny Los Angeles, California where he attends the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts. read more