Another World Is Possible

2022, Reflexive Documentary

Release Year: 2022
Country: United States
Director: Sophie Leál
Writer: TBD
Producer: TBD


A group of queer artists attend a gathering by and for revolutionary women on autonomous land in Southern Mexico.


About the director

Sophia Leál is a creative futurist from San Francisco. While Sophie’s writing and photography can be traced to childhood roots at San Francisco’s beloved 826 Valencia Pirate Supply and First Exposures Mentorship Program – Sophie’s directorial debut was in 2021 with Otro Mundo Es Posible: a reflexive documentary on an active Indigenous revolution in Southernmost Mexico, Chiapas and their ancestral connection to it. Since then, Sophie has gone on to earn credits on Emmy-Award winning docuseries and narrative films, continuing to work in the industry as a film writer for LatinaMediaCo and Community Manager at Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC MEDIA) Newly based in LA, Sophie is working in pre-production for their next short documentary.

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